Persophone N. Greek Mythololgy. Περσεφονη

The goddess queen of the underworld, wife of the god Hades, she was also the goddess of spring growth. Goddess halfway out of the dark.

This is a blog to chronicle my delv into the world of pole dancing being a plus sized girl.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Stating to Click

So last night I had my first pole class in a few weeks, with my beginner series ending and going to vacation a few weeks slipped by but I finally got my booty into class last night. And I am so glad I did. Perhaps a few weeks off was just what I needed because last night things just started to really click for me. I was able to hold my ice skater spin around the pole for the whole time, it only took me one miss start to get into my head stand and for the first time I also got my head off the ground. My mount into my climb was effortless and for the first time I felt like I might actually be able to climb. (We didn’t climb thought yesterday because it was the first time most of the girls were learning their mounts, next class we will see if I can get that climb though!) and I also got both of my feet of the ground at the same time for my fan legs! This is huge for me! they are still tiny, not very attractive fan legs but they are on their way!

Mostly though I was just amazed at how natural everything felt, amazed at how my body is learning and growing and strengthening in such a sort amount of time. I left class just feeling amazing and I cannot wait for my next class. I think I am going to sign up for my first mixed levels class soon. Up till now I have been in classes full of people in my level and the idea of taking a mixed level class intimidates me, but I think that is just why I need to do it. There is one on Saturday night that is a full range class Beginner to Advanced taught by the owner of the studio that I am thinking of doing. Actually, no, that  I am doing. I just signed up for it right now *deep breath* I really like Mel (the owner) and I’m sure the class will be wonderful, I think I’m just scared of being judged. Which is silly, every girl I have ever had class with is amazing and supportive. Also they will be working on their own stuff, why would they worry about what I am doing?

Sometimes, I think, as humans we have this idea that we are the center of the world. That people cannot help but notice us and think about us all the time. This is not true. And I have to remind myself of that. Even strangers who really annoy me don’t get more than a passing thought in the moment of annoyance. I need to remind myself that.

On a side note, I just noticed that one of the series I won is going to expire at the beginning of February and I need to ask Mel if I can extend that or something cuz I never got a chance to use it because of the class schedule. If not, I totally understand it was a prize after all they are not required to make sure I use the classes, but really, I’d love to have those 4 free classes. I mean who wouldn’t?

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