Persophone N. Greek Mythololgy. Περσεφονη

The goddess queen of the underworld, wife of the god Hades, she was also the goddess of spring growth. Goddess halfway out of the dark.

This is a blog to chronicle my delv into the world of pole dancing being a plus sized girl.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

My First Class – Into To Pole!

So today was my first class! I swear I’m still buzzing from the excitement! I had so much fun! And aside from almost missing the studio because they just moved into the location an do not have a big lighted sign up I think it went great! (but I am also bad at reading, mostly I found it beacuse my other friend was in open pole before out class and I saw her car out front)

As I think I said before I was lucky to have a friend of mine, Tausha, joining me. And it was just us and the teacher, Jeanette, who was just amazing. the class description on the Vertical Fusion site is:

"Curious about pole dance fitness? This is the workshop for you! This workshop is designed for individuals who have never experienced pole dance fitness before. This workshop will start with a brief pole orientation, followed by a warm-up and light conditioning segment to prepare you for the basic pole moves, spins, transitions, and floor work to follow. The instructor will help you string the moves together for a flirty routine sprinkled with hip rolls, hair flips, and maybe even some booty shaking! The class will conclude with a full body stretch and an opportunity to ask questions. This class is for everyone and anyone—previous dance experience is not required. Completion of Intro to Pole is required to move on to Beginner Pole Technique."

And look at that studio! It's beautiful! (and this is just the pole room, there is a whole other room without poles for all kinds of dance practice) they are still working on it, but right now they have 5 45mm chrome poles and 1 50mm chrome pole and are planning on installing 2 more 50mm poles in another row. It felt a bit empty with just the three of us in there, but the warm environment more then made up for the lack of bodies.

Jeanette was great, and I swear she spoiled us with praise (actually one time she started to shout at me that I was doing amazing and I lost my concentration and fell a bit, we laughed and she promised to wait until I was finished with the move before yelling at me again, lol) and she was more than willing the give us each the individual attention we needed. I loved working with her and she was great about helping us through the issues we were having. She gave Tausha many different tips and tricks to help her get more momentum in her spins and was more than supportive that even though I was not quite strong enough to hold myself up off the floor during the spins that when I took my feet off the floor that I fell slowly and pretty.  It’s not just falling, its falling with style.*wink*
We learned so many things! I swear I am going to forget half of them before my next class, but I guess that is the reason you go to class, right?

Towards the end of the class we strung together all the moves we learned into a little dance, which Jeanette was kind enough to write on the mirror for us so that we could remember easily.

 For those who you who can’t read that because reading things written on mirrors is hard, and even harder when that writing is photographed it says:

Walk, Girl on Top, Flamingo, walk, pirouette (one of my favorites!), straddle slide, walk, closed front hook (to the floor), hair flip, girl on top into open back hook (to the floor – my other favorite!), back-bend,  2 floor moves (we did speed bumps and hip circles), roll , tick tock x1, cricket  x1, straddle x1, goddess rising, roll, pop up, walk to pole,  and tango dip.

I don’t remember the song we danced to but I think it went very well! I only messed up one or two times and luckily there was enough forgiveness in the song for me to fix myself (gracefully! Like I meant to do it) and be back on track with the other girls. 

At the end of class we were told that we have now both graduated into beginning pole and can start to take any classes that have the beginner key word. And I have to say I LOVE how Vertical Fusion celebrates with you when you graduate! For every level you progress they give money in your name to their internal Pole Scholarship (Poling It Forward) which helps those on hard times afford to get to Pole class and one dollar to one of their preferred local charities (6 in Fort Collins and 6 in Longmont). So when you leave into they donate one dollar to Poling It Forward and one dollar to the charity of your choice in your name($1 to each after into, $2 to each after beginner, $3 to each after intermediate and so on).  I chose the Fort Collins HumaneSocity and Tausha chose to donate to SAVA. Both of which are very worthy charities. And almost as good, you get to pose for a sassy photo for them to post on their Facebook page.

I'm on the right, in all black. and that's my Tausha on the left! I'm so proud of us! Even if it appears that I forgot to point my toes for the picture! I swear I had been so good about that in class!

Over all I’m stoked to learn lots more and can’t wait for my next class!

And I have to say, I’m even proud of the minor pole burn I have on the top of my left foot ^.^

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Poling With Lori Myers

While surfing the internet I came along this amazing  article "Poling With Lori Myers" in Pole Spin Magazine written by Written by Lori Myers of Twirly Girls Pole Fitness. 

When the page open up with this in the first paragraph "You see, at six feet tall and over 200 pounds, I am not your average pole dancer.  Or so I thought." and this picture... 
 Photo credit: Liquidpulp Photography

Well you know I'm in. I mean, I'm just under 6 feet tall (5'11" here, just give me almost any shoe and I'm over 6 feet) and well over 200 lbs. This woman knows all about what I am about to put myself through, the highs and the lows. I read on. And I would like to highlight a few of the things she said that really struck me.

"I often hear potential students say that they would like to start pole dancing after they lose some weight or gain more upper body strength.  I encourage everyone to drop those ideas and get into a studio today." If you read my first post then you know that this was a big personal obstacle for me. And the thing is I seem to be a master of getting in my own way, so I am glad fate intervened for me but for many it will not. In this article Lori talks about some of the reasons waiting to get be before dancing is not really going to do you any good when it comes to pole dancing. And I think that is important to take note of. Lori has been dancing since 2009 and says “Had I waited to start classes until I was strong enough to do all the tricks I saw on YouTube, I would still be waiting.”

“I understand that watching the professional competitors online can be intimidating.  I know better than to hold myself to that standard.” Although I haven’t started classes yet I know this will be something I will struggle with constantly. I know myself, hell, I can hardly deal with the fact that some of my friends can walk better than me. Let’s not even talk about dancing. “Even if you never gain the strength to actually lift your body off the ground, there are many beautiful dance moves and so much floor work that can be performed with little strength required.” Lori spotlights how she has worked on creating a solid foundation of dance while she works on the strength required to do future tricks. Luckily I know I have an amazing support group in my friends now that will help me keep my head space positive. And that’s just knowing my friends now, I’m sure I’ll make amazing friends at the studio that will be amazingly supportive and helpful as well.

“Pole dancing is for everybody.  Some students may need modifications, additional time and a little encouragement to master certain moves.  But the taste of victory is that much sweeter when you finally nail those moves on which you have worked so hard.”
I love that I found Lori’s blog and this article. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go read all of her blog … like right now. 
