Persophone N. Greek Mythololgy. Περσεφονη

The goddess queen of the underworld, wife of the god Hades, she was also the goddess of spring growth. Goddess halfway out of the dark.

This is a blog to chronicle my delv into the world of pole dancing being a plus sized girl.

Monday, November 5, 2012

There is nothing like fate

Here is the thing, I like myself. I truly do. But who can help the little bit of self-doubt that nags in to back of their mind? I know I can’t. but life is about overcoming these little things we tell ourselves we cannot possible do. We need to tell the world “screw you! I do what I want!” This is the start of my story.

When my best friend found a pole dancing video about a year ago I was instantly enthralled. I had never seen such beauty and strength exhibited in such an amazing way before. Likewise my friend was enraptured as well. A few months later I happened upon a Living Social deal for several pole dance classes at a studio not too far away from where we live. Well, I’m in no shape to do this, but I know she would love it. I told myself, and I forwarded her the information feeling quite proud of myself for helping foster something she felt passionate about.

She has been dancing about 8 months now and I have been in complete awe of her transformation, not just physical but emotionally as well. Never a shy girl or lacking a certain confidence to begin with, she bloomed as she danced. It was amazing to watch.

When the studio opened a new location about 4 months back actually in my town I swore I was going to sign up. Where am I going to get the time? Maybe I should get a gym membership first .. build up some sort of workout …something… I never really work out….

Obviously that never happened. But I went on with my life. Life was busy after all I JUST got married, I am working two jobs. There will be time… Later.

And last night I attended a showcase where she performed for her first time. And I was stunned. Not only by her but by countless other girls who had such strength and devotion. It was empowering to watch. I was truly moved (hell I even cried a few times because the danced where that emotionally charged). I saw the amazing community she had been welcomed into, I am going do to this one day.
Maybe I’ll lose 20 pounds first. Yeah, I’m serious this time I’m going to start working out then I am signing up for classes!

Enter Fate.

The showcase last night was also a fundraiser for a local charity, and as part of their fundraiser  they held a raffle with lots of different prizes including dozens of thing including the Grand Prize over $170 worth of free pole classes. One of my other friends was lamenting that she forgot to bring cash to enter the raffle so I opened my wallet to see if I had any cash to help her out. In my wallet was exactly $5, the cost of a ticket, and I almost handed it over to my friend but last second I decided not to. No, this felt good. Maybe I could win the make-up, or the portrait session, hell even the super fancy fake eyelashes would be fun! That would be cool! So with my $5 in hand I made my way over and bought one ticket, and returned to enjoy the show.

After the show they began the raffle and with each number called I was a little less sure of my initial feeling of being sure to win. That’s how gambling gets you, never go gambling, you are a sucker for this. Hell at one point I even got bored and gave my friend the ticket and went to the bathroom. I returned with only 2 more items to go. And then they called my number. I actually didn’t believe it until my friend started screaming! And then I screamed! And then my dancer friend jumped up and down and hugged me and I went to claim my prize.

Nothing like fate stepping in, nothing like fate telling you “No more excuses damnit!” so here I am on the precipice of change. Yes I’m scared as hell; yes I am not 100% confidante with my body type combined with this style of dance. But you know what else? I don’t care! This is going to be amazing! I will work through my nerves; I will get over my body issues. It will be beautiful.

I am so excited!

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